Best Services Under One Provider

Enterprise Chatbot (VAutomation)

Provide instant customer support and better target customers with promotions on different online marketing channels

Manage communications with customer on the all-in-one chatbot platform
  • Have superior logic that can handle users’ questions no matter how complicated the questions are.
  • Send the right message to the right target group in order to meet the customer demand better.
  • Create answer patterns in various ways such as product details or promotions. Also, there are many forms available such as messages, pictures or links for more information.
  • Connect to various communication channels: LINE, Facebook and web chat on one single platform.
  • Can be incorporated with the existing enterprise's platforms (such as Customer Relationship Management or CRM), especially live chat for staff to take over the conversations seamlessly.
  • Have the ticket management system that is connected to the user profile, which allows your support staff to quickly access customers information.
  • See the in-depth data analysis on the standard dashboard.
  • Retrieve summary report in charts and graphs that are easy to understand. The data is also available in CSV files or data on Excel.


  • Reduce costs on human resources for customer support, data analysis and marketing promotion
  • Easy integration in existing enterprise's systems
  • Communicate with customers from every channel on one single platform
  • Support customers almost immediately and solve the problems at hand in a timely manner
  • Help close a sale quickly and effectively
  • Generate content and send messages to target customer in no time
  • Customize chatbot's answer patterns and templates to suit each customer demand and communication channel
  • Provide customer insights that allows you to offer products that suit each customer more effectively
Expert service
  • Expert consultation available 24/7

Type of business

Call centers

All businesses that have online channels

Online merchants